Become a Buttercream Ball Sponsor
2017 Nielsen-Massey Buttercream Ball Sponsorship - Baltimore
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
All sponsors will receive:
- Organization collateral/advertisement of choice for inclusion in guest "swag bags"
- Organization name and logo on the event page for a year
- Organization name and logo in the event recap sent to our mailing list of 17,000
Additional benefits for each sponsor level include:
Local Presenting Sponsor: $5,000
- Reserved Gala table (for up to 8 persons)
- Facebook announcement of the partnership including a link to the organization's homepage.
- PR/Media opportunities (as available) including a specialized press release
- Inclusion in all purchased advertising of the event (minimum of 3 ad placements)
- Inclusion of name and/or logo on all event invitations
- Mention and unique click-through button in our Augmented Reality campaign given to all attendees
- Branded signage at the event
Dessert Table or Showpiece Sponsor (one of each type of sponsor available): $2,500
- Reserved Gala table (for up to 8 persons)
- Facebook announcement of the partnership including a link to the organization's homepage.
- Mention and in our Augmented Reality campaign given to all attendees
- Branded signage at the sponsored area during the event
Entertainment or Bar Sponsor: $1,000
- 4 Tickets to the Gala
- Facebook announcement of partnership including a link to the organization's homepage.
- Branded signage at the sponsored area during the event
Donation Match or 50/50 Sponsor (one of each type of sponsor available): $500
- 2 tickets to the event
- Announcements during the donation drive
All other donation amounts will be welcomed and acknowledged at the event.
Printable sponsor benefits: Buttercream Ball Sponsor Benefits.