Pay It Forward! Let another child receive a smile too!

Did your family have a great experience with Icing Smiles? Pay It Forward to allow another family to have a great experience, too...

Pay It Forward! Let another child receive a smile too! image




Did your family have a great experience with Icing Smiles? Pay It Forward to allow another family to have a great experience, too...

On average, it costs Icing Smiles approximately $40 per cake in overhead costs. We must maintain our website and software, pay licensing/registration fees in every State as well as other mandatory costs.

Contributions like yours help keep the smiles rolling – from your child to the next (like sharing a favorite toy)! Your tax-deductible donation gives us the opportunity to deliver not only another cake but another smile to a child who may not have much reason to smile. Smiles are contagious - pay it forward!.